Employee Handbook

Our employee handbook is evolving as needed but the basics are below along with the desired business standard of please be: professional, personable and reliable.

Uphold the confidentiality and security of our information, client data, policies and intellectual property to the best of your ability. Ensure that you have security procedures in place and are not using any open networks or public computers/networks, and update operating systems, software, antivirus and security regularly to further keep confidential information confidential. Since this is a remote position please ensure that you have the equipment and internet speed to successfully work from home.

Dress Code, Video Conference call, Client calls, Face to Face meetings
Since this is remote work dress code really only pertains to the occasional video conferencing or in person meetings. Most often if we meet it will be a video conference or a phone call. For a face to face meeting via video or in person: please dress appropriately. Casual is okay. But clean and tidy. (No ripped tshirts, pants -only tasteful logos, if any -if ever in doubt please wear something else)

Nick will advise if a video conference call might require business casual wear.

Please, keep all background images and/or what is visible of your office professional. If in doubt please remove it from view.

Also, in the event of a training, business call or business video conference please try to be in an area that is free from background noise/distractions as much as possible.  

If you are training with Nick and he doesn’t engage his video camera for a face to face discussion it’s not necessary for you to remain on camera if he isn’t. You can simply turn your camera off. (same goes for when working with Pam)

And if you have any issues, questions or concerns just ask.

Business Hours/Day to day
You will report to Nick directly. Business hours ideally are 8-5pm Arizona time with a 1 hour lunch break. Please discuss with Nick if you would rather work 7-4 pm Arizona time or some other variation.

Please remember to take your lunch break and your two 15 min breaks during the day. We expect you to step away for water or bathroom breaks etc as needed. Just please be mindful and keep work hours dedicated for work.

You are considered salary so no overtime beyond 40 hours per week; unless expressly approved by Nick. But please discuss with Nick should a project require overtime. 

Vacation / Sick time 
Regarding Sick leave and Vacation – Eligibility starts after a 90 day time period
Sick leave is 5 business days a year.
*Vacation is 10 business days a year.–40 hours maximum vacation hours can be rolled to the new year if not used. Anything beyond the 40 hour cut off will be lost if not used.
*Vacation hours will accrue each pay period once eligible. 

Paid Holidays are: (if they fall on a business day / M-F)
New Year’s Day 
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day

Paydays are twice a month. Paydays are set as the 1st of the month and 15th of the month.

If you are ever locked out or need a pw reset contact Nick for assistance.

Travel during work hours for work meetings or functions
We do not assume any liability in any way regarding travel during or after work hours for work functions which also includes zero liability surrounding the event such as but not limited to: traveling to and from or during, etc. While each situation is different we may opt to reimburse you for your time surrounding an event but in no way assumes responsibility. There is no implied liability or responsibility on behalf of Amped Visibility or its management in regards to such events.

Voting and c19 vaccinations
Voting and c19 vaccinations (added as of March 2021 – without getting into a debate about the merits of doing either or not) should you need to/wish to do either/or – during company hours please do so. (without needing to make up the hours) -within reason pleas (often this is a 2 hour cap). We also do not assume any liability in any way regarding either which also includes zero liability surrounding the event such as but not limited to: traveling to and from or during, or reactions etc after. This is personal time that you are able to use specifically for voting and vaccinations. There is no implied liability or responsibility on behalf of Amped Visibility or its management in regards to granting time off to vote in government elections or vaccinate against c19.

We just wanted to make it convenient for the team to handle these two items even during the work day, should individuals wish to vote or get a c19 vaccination during this time of pandemic. 

We just ask that you please let us know your anticipated time out of the office, and plan accordingly as regards to project deadlines, and communicate with us that you have resumed work etc.

I am assuming that often 2 hours will satisfy but it is understood that some locations are taking longer and will be evaluated on a case by case basis but please note that often 2 hours will be considered the maximum hours reimbursed. Ideally, if you can shorten the length of time out of office for these items this is appreciated. (i.e.: attending when it is less busy/combining with lunch break etc.)

Digital Presence
Please do not call out client industries or client names or company names, this goes for all social media business, personal or otherwise. Please adhere to the NDA and NCA to the best of your ability. Please keep client information confidential whenever you engage in any type of personal or professional social engagements, online or in person or via any other media. Many of our clients are in rare industries, highly competitive industries and it is best if we omit any potential mis-steps all together.

Internet outages
Hopefully a rare occurrence during work hours but should you be impacted by an outage please notify Nick as soon as possible. Via cell, text, email, chat or office line. Plan to work offline during the outage if possible or you can opt to take the time off unpaid or make up the time. Just please keep us in the loop.

Performance Reviews
Nick will conduct reviews with you upon your 90 day anniversary, and then going forward at your annual anniversary date. Merit increases are based upon performance.