After crawling the site navigate to the “Spelling & Grammar” Tab at the top of Screaming Frog (See Below)
Sort the data by URLs affected so that the spelling issues found on the highest number of URLs is prioritized then click the export button and save the file with the following naming structure “ClientDomain-spellcheck-todays-date.csv” Save it to your computer where you know you will find it. See below screenshots
Navigate to clients folder in google drive and then navigate to their technical data folder and select New> Google Sheets> From Template> Select the Spell Check spreadsheet template
Name the new document with the following structure “Client domain- Spell Check- Todays Date
Select File> Import> Upload then select the file
After the file is uploaded select the “Replace Current Spreadsheet” Option. Since this is a blank sheet no data will be lost and this is done to prevent a new spreadsheet from being created
In the spreadsheet create a column for status and a column for notes. There will be three options for the status column:
No status text and row that is white means it’s yet to be reviewed
Error: If it’s a clear error, make a note “error”, and change cell color to blue, and fix the error. Make a note of the error in the notes column.
Not error: this would be clearly not an error for e.g. a person’s name, product name, a location, or a known technical term. Mark as “Not error” and change the cell color green.
Unsure: If you are unsure and need the client to confirm, change status to “Unsure” and change row color to yellow so client knows to check.
Send spreadsheet to client for review, and make any necessary corrections the client sends back.