Default best practices for all new build websites
Compiled list of best practices that should be included for all our new design builds, and just general best practices when ever we work on our clients websites
General Best Practices
List of elements, plugins, setups/configurations that an AmpedVisibility website should have.
- PDFs always open into a new tab.
- External links always open into a new tab.
- Phone numbers in header, footer on contact page should be click/tap to call.
- Triple check tel: phone numbers, and use hyphens to separate so it’s easier to check e.g. tel:800-123-5432
- Links should always be relative i.e. /web-page-url/ (not absolute i.e.
- Set max width to 1500px
- Logo top right
- Phone top right
- Always need a CTA of some kind
- Logo
- Name, Address, Phone (NAP)
- Company name in text format
- Phone
- Address if applicable
- Main website navigation and main categories linked
- Social media profiles
- Copyright at very bottom, in smaller font than rest of footer
Images / Photo Gallery
- Thumbs and hi-res image sizes should be separately sized. E.g. the thumb should not be same image as hi-res version scaled down with HTML.
- High resolution image should fill a large 2k or 4k size monitor well. See below for guidelines.
- Portrait around: 1000 width x 1200 height
- Landscape around: 1600 width x 1200 height
- Blurry/pixelated images. We should never keep images that are low-res, ask your team lead or reach out to the client and ask for higher res images.